Officer Duties
(Approved by vote on June 24, 2006 at SDPA meeting in Kadoka, SD; Updated August 27, 2011, at SDPA meeting at Spearfish Airport, SD)
- Serve a 2-year term.
- Schedule member meetings (about six per year) to include meetings in eastern, western, northern, southern and central South Dakota on a rotating basis.
- Serve as Presiding Officer at meetings.
- Conduct business meetings.
- Secure speakers to present programs at three to four meetings a year.
- Write bimonthly President’s column for the newsletter.
- Write letters on behalf of the Association, or designate writers of letters, concerning general aviation issues to airport and aviation officials (mayors, city commissioners, airport boards, state and federal officials, etc.).
- Recruit new members.
Vice President:
- Serve a 2-year term.
- Act as Presiding Officer in the absence of the President.
- Conduct business meetings in absence of the President.
- Participate as voting member in Board of Directors (Officer) meetings.
- Assist President in securing speakers for programs at SDPA meetings.
- Assist President in organizing and scheduling aviation activities such as: Control tower tours (Sioux Falls & Rapid City), Air National Guard tours (Sioux Falls & Rapid City), Poker runs, FLY SD.
- Recruit new members.
- Serve a 2-year term.
- Record minutes of business meetings and prepare typed record for Association records.
- Participate as voting member in Board of Directors (Officer) meetings.
- Recruit new members.
- Serve a 2-year term.
- Deposit funds received from membership and donations in checking account.
- Distribute funds after receiving receipts of expenditures.
- Prepare Treasurer’s report for business meetings.
- Mail membership renewal notices to members with a stamped return envelop.
- Keep accurate record of membership and prepare membership report for business meetings.
- Participate as voting member in Board of Directors (Officer) meetings.
- Recruit new members.
District Directors:
- Serve a 2-year term.
- Gather information and concerns from the general membership and present concerns for your District at Board of Director (Officer) meetings.
- Participate as voting member in Board of Directors (Officer) meeting.
- Write stories for the newsletter about aviation activities in your District.
- Recruit new members.
Immediate Past President:
- Advise, as necessary, the new President.
- Participate in Board of Directors (Officer) meetings in an advisory role.
- Chair the nomination committee for the next slate of officers.
- Recruit new members.
(Newsletter and Website - Not an officer listed in the By-laws.)
- Serve an indefinite term.
- Write, edit, publish, and mail a newsletter to the membership.
- Solicit articles from Directors and members for newsletter.
- Send welcome letter, latest newsletter, extra membership application to recruit new members, and SDPA patch to new members.
- Maintain current information on the website.
- Recruit new members. Send "please join" letters with membership applications and sample newsletters to potential members.
Executive Director:
Under the direction of the Board of Directors and Officers of the South Dakota Pilots Association, the Executive Director shall carry out the following duties:
(Approved by vote on June 24, 2006 at SDPA meeting in Kadoka , SD)
- Keep membership informed of all pertinent information via a newsletter. Any other special events as they occur may also necessitate a flyer sent to SD airports and membership.
- Increase membership in the Association. Work with and inform Board of Directors of any membership lapses and recruit potential new members.
- Inform membership of any pertinent developments as they occur.
- Participate as voting member in Board of Directors (Officer) meetings.
(Approved by membership vote on August 27, 2011, at SDPA meeting on Spearfish Airport.)
State Government Relations & Legislative Responsibilities:
- Lobby the South Dakota Legislature to promote the position of the South Dakota Pilots Association as needed.
- Maintain contact with any interim legislative committee that may have an effect on general aviation in South Dakota.
- Attend Aeronautical Commission meetings, SD Airports Conference, special FAA meetings, etc., and report their activities via the newsletter as needed.
- Maintain a close contact and working relationship with all agencies of state government that may have an effect on the general aviation industry.
Fiscal Duties:
- Coordinate financial information, such as budgets, financial statements, treasurer reports, and other financial data as needed with the treasurer of the Association.
- Coordinate in conjunction with the Board of Directors to expand services of the Association that would impact the operating budget, such as the SDPA website and scholarships.
Management Duties:
- Supervise the daily operations of the South Dakota Pilots Association.
- Publish newsletter for South Dakota Pilots Association membership and maintain current information on the SDPA website, within parameters as set by the Board of Directors.
- Arrange for booth space or display areas at meetings, fly-ins, and other related aviation events as necessary to provide literature and membership information.
- Sell advertising in the South Dakota Pilots Association newsletter as well as other mediums that the Board of Directors may decide on.
- Keep informed of general aviation activities in within South Dakota, neighboring states, Midwest region, nationwide, and international, and alert the Board of Directors to issues that may impacts pilots or general aviation in South Dakota. Write position letters addressing the concerns of the SDPA as directed by the Officers and or the Board of Directors of the Association.
- Other additional duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.